
We have collected some web links we feel will be useful to vendors. The GFM makes no guarantees to the content, reliability, or accuracy. These are external links.

Maryland Organic Food & Farming Association (MOFFA)
Official website of MOFFA

Future Harvest
Future Harvest – CASA is a network of farmers, agricultural professionals, landowners and consumers living and working in the Chesapeake region.

Food Alliance Certification Programs
Food Alliance certification is a voluntary means for agricultural producers and food companies to address growing customer demand for traceability, transparency, and social and environmental responsibility.

MD Rules for Value Added Products
This article is from the University of Maryland Extension Service and is titled “Licenses and Regulation Updates for Farmers Marketing Value‐Added Products Directly to Consumers”

Maryland Cottage Food Business Information
Rules and other information about making food for sale from your own kitchen

Food Safety for Farmers’ Market Vendors
Farmers and vendors may find the following tips helpful in promoting food safety.

Maryland County Health Regulations
County health departments are responsible for certain aspects of food sales. Information on the following pages outlines key county data related to sales on farms and at farmers’ markets.

Farmer’s Market Vendor/Sampler/Temporary Special Food Service Facility Permit Application
for vendors selling prepared foods not qualifying as cottage foods or intending to provide samples at the market.

Selling Eggs
Maryland guidelines for selling eggs at farmers markets.

Maryland Organic Certification Program
Maryland Information on Becoming a Certified Organic Certification

Organic Resources
Maryland Department of Agriculture collection of resources for organic farmers

Eat Fresh Maryland
USDA site providing information on Farmers Market participation in Federal Nutrition Programs

Canopy Safety 101
A guide to Canopy Safety from the Washington State Farmers Market Association